In his new 'More Than Miles' video, Brantley Gilbert shows that he has more than just musical talent -- he's also a rather skilled actor! The clip features performance footage of the singer spliced with plot scenes where he is the protagonist, an on-the-road drifter who gets a little destructive in his hotel room.

The ladies won't mind the fact that Gilbert is the central figure, a brooding young musician who makes use of hotel paper and hits the local watering hole to drown his sorrows and shoot some pool while briefly eyeing a pretty lady.

It's clear, though, that he has other things -- actually, another person -- weighing heavily on his mind in the 'More Than Miles' video. The one he loves is far, far away. The distance is tough, and it shows on his face and how he carries himself.

Gilbert nearly gets into a fight with the flirtatious girl's boyfriend in the clip, but wisely avoids confrontation.

The mirror in his hotel isn't quite so lucky, as he smashes it with a chair. The photo on the hotel room wall meets a similar fate, and Gilbert punches the frame and is left with bloodied hands. Not exactly a good idea for someone who relies on his hands to play guitar.

Kudos to the rising star for his ability to convey so much emotion with his face, his eyes and his body language in the space of just four minutes.

At the end of the video, he leaves the Savoy Motel in his pickup and is inspired by a picture of the ones he loves. He has to go in one direction. Is it toward her or away from her? Which way does he turn? Watch and find out.

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