Calcasieu Doctors Admit Mitigation is Frustrating But Necessary
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccination for everyone 12 and older. In addition, they suggest that students, faculty, and staff wear masks while in school. Pediatricians in Calcasieu Parish have written a letter in support of these mitigation efforts to stop the spread of COVID, and they have shared that letter with KPLC.
The letter to the Lake Charles community says that all of the doctors are in support of masking for students who are five and older. They also support vaccinations for anyone 12 and up along with supporting social distancing in schools. They say these mitigation efforts are what will keep kids in the school setting and not having to learn from home.
One of the biggest things the doctors want everyone to know is that they completely understand how frustrating it is to have to get vaccinations, practice social distancing and wear masks, but they say it is imperative to lower the number of COVID-19 cases.
The letter was posted by the Pediatric Center of Southwest Louisiana. The association contends that every pediatrician in the parish has signed the letter.
Part of that letter states,
Vaccination remains the most effective way to reduce severe diseases and likewise spread of this virus. However, the majority of children in our schools are not eligible to receive the vaccine.....and therefore remain vulnerable. Their best line of defense will include social distancing, masking while indoors, and promoting vaccination of those eligible individuals who come into contact with them.
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