Evacuation Order and Curfew Finally Lifted in Cameron Parish
There are a lot of us in Louisiana that have been licking our wounds so to speak in regard to this year's hurricane season. It's been a record-breaker in a number of ways. Here in Louisiana, we've been touched by eight different named storms. But no single parish has been touched harder than Cameron Parish.
The coast of Cameron Parish has the distinction of having two landfalling hurricanes in the same season. Hurricane Laura and Hurricane Delta both crossed the coast in Cameron Parish a scant 12 miles apart. So as you might imagine, the recovery process in the parish has been slower than maybe it has been in some other parts of the state.
Today marks a landmark day in the recovery and rebound of Cameron Parish. That's because as of today the parish is no longer under a mandatory evacuation order nor is it under a curfew. The announcement was made yesterday by Cameron Parish Homeland Security Officials.
The parish has been under those orders since August 27th, the day that Hurricane Laura made landfall. That's about 77 days or a little over two months. Over that time, how much complaining and whining have you heard from the residents of Cameron Parish? Not hardly a peep. Just like when Hurricane Rita struck in 2005 the residents of SWLA simply picked themselves up, dusted off the sand and the mud, and got back to rebuilding.
Let's hope today's "milestone" is simply one more piece in the puzzle on the road to recovery. And let those of us who weren't impacted as greatly by the storms remember, just because they aren't asking doesn't mean we can't help out our friends in Cameron Parish. Goodness knows, they'd be the first in line with a helping hand we needed it.
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