Evangeline Little League Registration Happening Now
It's time grab the bat from the closet and get ready for another great Little League season. Evangeline Little League registration is open now.
2018 registrations are currently being accepted online at tshq.bluesombrero.com/evangelinelittleleague. You can register in person at ELL (at the Pepperplex) on Sunday 2/18 and Sunday 2/25 from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm.
Fees are $75 for the first family member and $45 for each additional family member. Registration is on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Once a league is full a waiting list will be started.
T-BALL (4 - 6 year olds) No tryouts for this division. Players will be selected to a team through a coach’s draft.
American Minor (7 - 8 year olds) Players will be selected to a team through a coach’s draft after tryouts.
National Minor (9 – 10 year olds) Players will be selected to a team through a coach’s draft after tryouts.
Intermediate League (11 - 13 year olds) Players will be selected to a team through a coach’s draft after tryouts.
JUNIOR & SENIOR LEAGUE (14-16 year olds) This league will be drafted after school ball is finished.
TRYOUTS March 3rd and 4th
OPENING DAY IS April 7, 2018"
For more information, head over the Evangeline Little League Facebook page.