Execution Put On Hold – Court Gives Louisiana Child Killer A 90 Day Reprieve
Christopher Sepulvado killed his 6-year-old stepson in 1992 by beating and scalding him to death. It was a very gruesome way to die. Now the Federal Courts wants to make sure that when Sepulvado receives his punishment for this heinous crime he will get to die peacefully.
A Federal Court ruled yesterday that Louisiana's method of capital punishment might fall under the definition of cruel and unusual. This ruling was made after attorneys for Sepulvado filed a motion saying the same method used in a capital punishment in Ohio did not go well.
In a report filed with the Louisiana Radio Network Attorney Gary Clements said,
"It was a pretty gruesome affair that lasted close to a half-hour of him struggling and grasping for air. Twice as long as any other execution in the state of Ohio on record."
In light of this information, a Federal Judge has decided to hear evidence to see if Louisiana's method for lethal injection is in fact constitutional. Louisiana, like many other states, has been finding it difficult to procure the pharmaceuticals needed to create the deadly cocktail of drugs that is used in the state's lethal injection protocol.
The Federal Judge is expected to hear evidence about the protocol in a hearing that is set for April 7th. After the hearing the judge will then decide if the execution of Sepulvado can go on as ordered by the people of Louisiana.