Fall Veggies – 10 You Could be Planting Now
Here in the land of swamps and mosquitoes, we’ve still got a lot of great growing season left. However, when fall comes around the thoughts of even the most enthusiastic gardener tends to drift away from Saturday’s in the garden to Saturday’s at football games. Still, there are plenty of great vegetables that will grow, survive, and thrive in the warm Autumn temperatures that we are blessed with in the Bayou State.
I personally find fall gardening easier on the constitution than the late spring and summer variety of gardening. True, there are many days in August where the temperatures will soar well into the 90s. There are also days in August when an early-season cool front will knock the humidity down to a tolerable level making it almost fun to be out “in the field”.
If you’re contemplating a late-season crop of fresh veggies that maybe you could harvest between Halloween and Thanksgiving you might want to consider looking at these ten choices, we’ve laid out for you. I have found that a lot of these fresh fall veggies are great contributors to hearty fall meals. You know, the kind that sticks to your ribs.
In my opinion, they are also easier to grow too. That’s because the weeds tend to slow down when the shorter days of fall begin to grace the calendar. However, the bugs, they don’t read a calendar, you’ll really have to be on your toes with your pesticides or organic alternatives or else all you’ll be growing is a great big bug salad.
But enough about the reasons why or why not, let's take a look at what choices you might make to fill in those bare spots in the garden as the leaves begin to fall and the days start to get just a little bit shorter.