22 year old NFL cheerleader and Saintsation Bailey Davis posted a picture of herself in a one-piece outfit on Instagram, setting in motion her firing by the New Orleans Saints.

According to the New York Times, Davis has filed a discrimination lawsuit with the  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), claiming the female cheerleaders were held to different, higher standards than the male football players employed by the team.

Officials of the team claim Davis violated a rule that prohibits Saintsations from posting pictures of themselves nude, seminude, or wearing lingerie. Davis argues she did not violate the rule at the time the photo was posted, as her account was set to private.

Davis was also rumored to be at a party where a Saints player was present, something she denies.

Team rules prohibit Saintsations from fraternizing with Saints player in any way, whether in public or on-line.

“If the cheerleaders can’t contact the players, then the players shouldn’t be able to contact the cheerleaders,” Davis' attorney Sara Blackwell told the Times. “The antiquated stereotype of women needing to hide for their own protection is not permitted in America and certainly not in the workplace.”


NFL cheerleaders have filed lawsuits against the NFL in the past for what they considered unfair wages.

Unlike NFL players, NFL cheerleaders do not have a Union. However, NFL Players Association President DeMaurice Smith has gone on the record in the past claiming NFL cheerleaders deserve fair compensation.



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