Flashback Friday — David Ball’s ’12-12-84′
I'm a big fan of true honky tonk country music. You know, like George Jones, George Strait and Randy Travis.
As the year's have gone by, those seem to be few and far between. But every now and again we get someone with a real nice twang.
I remember when David Ball came out in the early 90s and I instantly became a big fan. Of course, he didn't go on to a huge career but he did have some solid hits, including his debut "Thinkin' Problem" to a late career resurrection with a poignant tune of a deceased soldier called "Riding With Private Malone".
But, most David Ball fans go back to that first album and all the solid songs on it. I wore that album (cassette) out in my Ford Escort from the day I got it to the day it dragged too much and I had to "convert" to a CD version.
One of the neatest songs on the album I always think about every December 12th is aptly titled "12-12-84".
"12-12-84, ten o'clock at night, funny how you remember so certain moments in your life."
It indeed is a lost love song and the mistakes we as men make. However, there has always been something about the song that is quite a bit universal and we can apply to other aspects of our life.
On this 12th day of December, we flashback to you, true honky tonker David Ball.