Funny Celebrity First Tweets
It's hard to believe that Twitter has been around for 11 years. Back then, we didn't even know the impact that 'social media' would have on us. Some of you are yawning, and some, like me, love it! There's something pretty cool about letting people know what you want to say in 140 characters or less. And let's be honest, it's the world we live in today.
Time Magazine compiled a list of the funniest first tweets of celebrities, so I thought I would bring you a couple of my favorites. Whether you're on Twitter or not, these are pretty fantastic!
- James Cameron - @jimcameron - ryan seacrest told me I had to get on Twitter. So here I am. First tweet. I feel younger already.
- Ellen Degeneres - @theellenshow - Tis my first twitt-er. Or tweet? Twit? Or tweet?
"Twit or tweet everybody." Is this anything? - Warren Buffett - @warrenbuffett - Warren is in the house
- Conan O'Brien - @conanobrien - Today I interviewed a squirrel in my backyard and then threw to commercial. Somebody help me
- Taylor Swift - @taylorswift13 - apologizing to a very needy cat for being gone so long
- Russel Brand - @rustyrockets - i have come to join you pleas be gentle with me as ive been feeling vulnerable... yet implausibly, sexy
- Jerry Seinfeld - @jerryseinfeld - Greetings Tweetarians!
I have just landed on your Planet. This could be my last Tweet. - Tom Hanks - Testing... testing... Is this thing on??
- Lady Gaga - @ladygaga - sequin catsuit thats been painted to my tired little bod, post tommy boy party, where I met the incredible dj bob sinclair "world! Hold...
- Pink - @pink - i have officially entered the 20th century. i mean the 21st.