How Will Phase III Liquor Rules Affect the Casinos? [VIDEO]
Mike Noel, Chairman of the state's Gaming Control Board, talks about how the Phase III restrictions will affect the casinos across Louisiana.
"For the most part, for the casinos and other gaming establishments, it really didn't change. It stayed at fifty percent total occupancy and seventy five percent of the gaming positions. The only real difference is the service of alcohol."
Noel then focuses on the new Phase III rules, which forbid alcohol service between 10pm and 8am. "I would think over the next few weeks, and as we get toward the end of this proclamations, there are going to be opportunities to show whether changes will makes sense," he says, referring to the Governor's "rules within the rules' which allow for lessening of the restrictions if benchmarks in the case reductions are met."
"I think that there was concern about how it (the restrictions) was going to affect operations and the number of patrons and revenue. I think there are some things that could, potentially, eased up on - perhaps alcohol sales and service, perhaps some capacity tweaks - we're going to look at over the coming weeks."