Hurricane Preparedness Week is May 9-15
Nobody wants to think about it, but we are only a couple of weeks away from the Atlantic Hurricane Season, which is June 1- November 30. And after the extremely active season we had last year, we really need to be ready in 2021. And now is the time to gather all the important info you'll need in the upcoming months.
The Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness is urging you to Get a Game Plan during Hurricane Preparedness Week, which is May 9-15. According to the official Facebook page of Louisiana Governor Jon Bel Edwards "Hurricane Preparedness Week is a great time to recheck your emergency plans and supplies before the first storm of the season even forms. Evaluate what you need to do to protect your home and family now and know what steps to take before, during and after an event."
There are official activities and events listed for every day during the preparedness week to get citizens in Louisiana and around the Gulf Coast ready for just about any scenario, including guidelines from the CDC on coronavirus prevention during hurricane season.
Some of the suggestions from weather.gov include:
- Determine your risk
- Develop an evacuation plan
- Assemble disaster supplies
- Get an insurance check-up
- Strengthen your home
- Help your neighbor
- Complete a written plan
Hurricane Game Plan, How We Get Ready at My House