Halloween is almost here. Plenty of activities and parties have happened. While most people are out to have fun and a great time, not everyone might be who they tell you they are. There are some regulations that prevent some people from participating in Halloween.

Children will be outside trick-or-treating tonight, and while many of us may enjoy being a little bit scared, being downright frightened by real-life harm is terrible.

Fortunately, the state of Louisiana has a statute in place that aims to make sure that convicted sex offenders are not allowed to participate in holidays like Halloween.

What the law says is they can't dress up in costumes on holiday and give out candy or gifts.

Photo courtesy of Jakob Owens, via W0hkz1EnX8I, Unsplash

What Does Louisiana Forbid for Registered Sex Offenders?

What the law says is that anyone who is on a sex offender registry can't dress up in costumes on holiday and give out candy or gifts. It's a good idea to check local registries early so that you know the addresses you should avoid. They shouldn't be celebrating anyway, and you can be prepared for where not to go.

What Louisiana State Statutes Say about Offenders?

State statute 14:313.1, Items A and B, reads as follows:

  • A. It shall be unlawful for any person convicted of or who pleads guilty to a sex offense specified in R.S. 24:932 to distribute candy or other gifts to persons under eighteen years of age on or concerning Halloween, Mardi Gras, Easter, Christmas, or any other recognized holiday for which generally candy is distributed or other gifts given to persons under eighteen years of age.
  • B. Whoever violates the provisions of this Section shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of no less than six months and nor more than three years.
Halloween Masks
Photo courtesy of Julio Lopez, 5AkqPX_BLuQ, via Unsplash

Does Someone on the Registry Have to Supply Information to Neighbors:

Yes. Those on the sex offender registry are required to notify their neighbors and others. The following is part of this very specific statute, RS 15:542.1:

  • A. Any adult residing in this state who has pled guilty to, has been convicted of, or where adjudication has been deferred or withheld for the perpetration or attempted perpetration of, or conspiracy to commit, a sex offense as defined in R.S. 15:541 or a criminal offense against a minor as defined in R.S. 15:541 shall be required to provide the following notifications.
  • (1) Give notice of the crime for which he was convicted, his name, residential address, a description of his physical characteristics as provided in R.S. 15:542(C)(1), and a photograph or copy thereof to all of the following:
  • (a) At least one person in every residence or business within a one-mile radius in a rural area and a three-tenths of a mile radius in an urban or suburban area of the address of the residence where the offender will reside upon release, including all adults residing in the residence of the offender.
  • (b)(i) The superintendent of the school district where the offender will reside, who shall notify the principal of every school located within a one-mile radius of the address where the offender will reside and may notify the principals of other schools as he deems appropriate. 

Click here to read the entire statute.

Where Do I Find Out About Where Sex Offenders Live?

Now that you know convicted sex offenders can not put on costumes or hand out candy, how do you find out where sex offenders live?

You click on the Louisiana State Police's Sex Offender Registry to look up your area or a particular person.

There is even a National Sex Offender Registry where you can look up information about people. This site allows you the ability to check on anyone in the United States.

Halloween Mask
Photo courtesy of Adam Cai, FYxf4K0ooSY, via Unsplash

What to Do If You Know Someone Is Violating the Law?

If you have information about a sex offender that is participating in Halloween you should report that information to your local law enforcement agency.

There are penalties for offenders who violate laws. You can get six months to three years in jail.

Don't think that this law is not enforced. Just four years ago, a Morgan City man who is a convicted sex offender was arrested for handing out candy at Halloween.

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Gallery Credit: Andrea Vale

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