How many times have you looked at a puddle under your vehicle and asked yourself, "What is leaking from my vehicle?"

If you've asked yourself that question before, you are not alone. I too have often looked at a puddle of "something" under my vehicle and had no idea what it was.

Well, let's take a look at a few substances that may leak from your vehicle and we hope that this helps you identify any potential problems in the future.

For all of you mechanics out there, please pardon us as we move slowly through this process.

If you see a clear substance that resembles water under your vehicle, it may just be condensation coming from your vehicle, which isn't a big issue. This is most often found under your vehicle during the summer months.


Next, a light blue liquid may indicate that your washer fluid is leaking. Here's a photo of what the leak may look like.


Now, if you find a pink or reddish fluid under your vehicle that may be a sign that you have a power steering leak or transmission fluid leak on your vehicle.

Both of these types of leaks you'd want to have addressed immediately by a trained mechanic.


A bright pink, yellow, or orange fluid under your vehicle cool indicates that you have an engine coolant leak, which should be addressed immediately. You would also notice that your vehicle is running "hot" while turned on.

Let me note here that engine coolant has somewhat of a "sweet" smell to it too. It should be cleaned up immediately from the surface if you do have this type of leak.


Let's move on to a potential brake fluid leak in your vehicle. More often than not, a leak with brake fluid will come near the tire and may have an amber color to it.

This fluid is corrosive so be very careful what you touch if it is on your hand.


An oil leak, which is probably the most common of all leaks on vehicles, is thick and greasy. It will be dark brown or black in time.

You can check your oil level easily by using the dipstick under the hood of your vehicle.


A fuel leak under your vehicle will have a very distinct smell to it and the fluid is clear. it will evaporate quickly upon making contact with the surface.


For more information on leaks from your vehicle, I'd encourage you to watch this video below. Not only does it help identify the leak, but it also instructs you and me on how to clean up any leak under our vehicle.

One more thing, never ignore a leak coming from yoour vehicle. By addressing the leak immediately, you can save yourself a lot of money in the near future.


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