Baton Rouge Sports Reporter Tells Story of Parking in Nick Saban’s Parking Spot
This is one of my all-time favorite stories out of LSU Sports.
By now you know that Nick Saban coached at LSU and won a National Title while in Baton Rouge. Well, things didn't start so great for Coach Saban while at LSU.
You see, one day a young sports reporter from the Acadiana area was on campus to cover Coach Saban's presser and when he saw an open parking spot on a Saturday, he took it.
This is the story of WAFB's Jacques Doucet parking in Nick Saban's parking spot while he was on campus covering a few sporting events.
As Jacques rushed to the stadium to cover Saban's press conference, he parked in a spot reserved for faculty, well it would turn out that the spot Doucet parked in was reserved for LSU's new football coach.
Doucet says that he was unaware that the spot he parked in belonged to Saban, but he quickly found out as Coach Saban walked past him. "Angry Nick" reminded the young Baton Rouge sports reporter that if it happened again, his vehicle would be towed.
Unfortunately for Jacques, it didn't end there as Coach Saban referenced the parking jab to start the press conference. Saban said that if his team played as well as people park at LSU, they wouldn't win a game that year.
As you may imagine, Jacques felt very small in a room filled with his peers, but that again was typical of Nick Saban.
I understand that this slight mishap by Jacques Doucet may or may not have been brought up years later as he and Saban have crossed paths through the years.
Still, Jacques salutes the man who chastised him for taking his parking spot as Saban announced his retirement from Alabama Football.
What a great story, and here it is as told by the one who "trolled" Nick Sabana before trolling was even a thing.