A substitute teacher says she's appalled by a recent altercation that she witnessed at L.B. Landry High School.

An altercation recorded by a substitute teacher who told WDSU that she only wanted to be identified as "Kourtney" is one of many recent fights at the school that has been caught on video.

While it is unclear what lead to the tussle we see when the video opens, Kourtney called it "the most disturbing encounter she has ever seen" in all her years as a substitute teacher.

A teacher is seen attempting to restrain a student on the ground. According to Kourtney, the teacher "never hit the student." As the educator continued to attempt to restrain the student while allegedly asking for help, the student manages to escape from being restrained as both individuals stood up.

The sub said that the teacher and the student tussled for at least five minutes with no help or response from either of the two school security guards or the school resource officer. At one point, the student is seen engaging with the teacher for a second time, landing wild punches to his head.

Kourtney says the educator was an older man, who seemed disoriented after the incident; she was also alarmed when she realized he was bleeding from his head after falling to the floor.

Eventually, someone took the student away but Kourtney told WDSU's Shay O'Conner that it floored her that absolutely no one was around to help as she "recorded as much as she could." She also said that "more needs to be done to protect teachers and staff members."

According to WDSU, no charges have been filed and the student wasn't arrested.

O'Conner's reporting also states that only one Student Resource Officer is assigned to all four schools in the Algiers Charter School Association and that officer was not on campus at the time of the incident.

Algiers Charter and L.B. Landry High School are committed to ensuring the safety and security of our school community at all times. Last week, an isolated incident took place between a student and a Staff member at L.B. Landry High School. Our school personnel was immediately notified and quickly de-escalated the matter. We are following the student code of conduct, and the matter is currently under investigation by New Orleans Police Department.

NOPD says they are currently investigating and we will update this story when more information is made available.

See more details and the latest here via WDSU.

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