Lafayette Mayor-President Declares State of Emergency, Calls for Water Conservation
LAFAYETTE, La. (KPEL News) - Lafayette Mayor-President Josh Guillory has declared a state of emergency related to the ongoing excessive heat and drought conditions in Lafayette Parish, effective immediately.
The declaration allows the city-parish government to utilize all necessary resources to mitigate the problems that come with severe heat and drought conditions in the area.

Guillory has also called for water conservation in the parish in a separate message that was sent out Wednesday evening.
The lack of rainfall and extreme temperatures have stressed our water system and LUS is requesting that we all suspend watering of gardens and lawns, filling of swimming pools and washing cars. Conservation ensures public safety, reliable drinking water, and fire protection. Let’s all do our part and conserve water.
Lafayette Consolidated Government has also shut off water at Brown Memorial Dog Park.
Read Guillory's full declaration below.
WHEREAS, Lafayette Parish is faced with the threat of property damage, injury, and/or loss of life or property resulting from excessive heat and minimal rainfall that has led to multiple heat warnings being issued by the National Weather Service for Lafayette Parish in the last thirty( 30) days;
WHEREAS, the excessive heat and minimal rainfall has stressed the capacity and infrastructure of the water systems across Lafayette Parish that maintain the drinking water supply, and increased the threat of wildfires across Lafayette Parish; and
WHEREAS, The Louisiana State Fire Marshal and the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry issued a statewide burn ban on August 7, 2023, due to extremely dry conditions;
WHEREAS, the Governor of Louisiana declared a state-wide heat related emergency pursuant to Proclamation Number 141 JBE 2023, issued on August 11, 2023,
WHEREAS, in Proclamation Number 141 JBE 2023 the Governor of Louisiana suspended provisions of the Louisiana Procurement Code (La. R.S. 39:1551, et seq.), the Louisiana Public Bid Law (La. R.S. 38:2211, et seq.), and any corresponding rules and regulations for the purpose of the procurement of any good or services necessary to respond to the declared emergency, including emergency contracts, cooperative endeavor agreements, and any other emergency amendments to existing contracts.
WHEREAS, immediate emergency actions are required to minimize the imminent effects of this combination of excessive heat and minimal rain in Lafayette Parish; and
WHEREAS, the Lafayette Mayor-President, as authorized by Louisiana law, including but not limited to the Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act (La. R.S. 29:721, et seq.), as well as any applicable provision of the Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government Home Rule Charter, to declare a state of local disaster and/or emergency for Lafayette Parish under these circumstances.
NOW, THEREFORE, Joshua S. Guillory, Lafayette Mayor-President, hereby declares a state of emergency exists for Lafayette Parish and declares the same under the aforesaid authority, effective at 5:00 P.M. on August 23, 2023 and continuing until Saturday, September 9, 2023, unless terminated sooner:
- No person shall, in the Parish of Lafayette, engage in:
a) open burning of any kind using conventional fuel such as wood, or other combustible matter, with the exception of grills fueled by charcoal briquettes or propane;
b) the burning of debris, such as timber or vegetation, including such debris that results from building construction activities.
except where permitted by Louisiana law or the Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government Code of Ordinances, and approved by Fire Chief Robert Benoit, or the head of the fire district where the proposed open burning would occur. - The provisions of any regulatory ordinances, order, rule, or regulation that would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with the excessive heat and minimal rainfall conditions are suspended.
- The use of all available resources of Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government that are reasonably necessary to cope with the management of the excessive heat and minimal rainfall conditions is authorized.
- Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government personnel are directed to assist in performing and facilitating emergency services reasonably necessary to cope with the management of the excessive heat and minimal rainfall conditions.
DECLARED this 23rd day of August, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. at Lafayette, Louisiana.
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Gallery Credit: Joe Cunningham