Why Photographing on Louisiana Railroads is Illegal
As high school graduation approaches, many seniors in Acadiana are planning their photo shoots.
But if you're thinking about taking senior pictures on railroad tracks, it’s time to rethink that idea.
Recently, my wife came across a post in the Acadiana Moms Group on Facebook where someone was looking for railroad tracks as a backdrop for senior pictures.
The replies came pouring in with a surprising fact: It’s illegal to take photos on railroad tracks.
Most people don’t realize this, but besides being dangerous, taking pictures on train tracks is considered trespassing.
Many, including myself, had no idea it was illegal until I asked around. Turns out, this is a law that many aren’t aware of.
Why It's Risky:
Trains move faster than they appear. Their size can make them look farther away and slower than they really are. By the time you realize a train is coming, it might be too late to move out of harm's way.
Tracks are private property. Railroad companies own them, and walking or taking photos there without permission is considered trespassing, which could result in fines or even arrest.
Risk of electrocution. Some tracks are electrified, posing the additional danger of electrocution from overhead wires or a third rail.
If you want a railroad backdrop for your senior or wedding pictures, Photoshop is the safest and legal option.
Why Is It Illegal To Take Pictures On Railroad Tracks?
From railroads.dot.gov -
"Railroad tracks have become popular locations to shoot wedding photos, graduation pictures, and selfies.
However, taking pictures on railroad tracks is illegal and highly dangerous. Operation Lifesaver, Inc., one of FRA's partner organizations, warns photographers and social media users of the dangers of this activity. For everyone's safety, keep subjects off the tracks."
The irony of having pictures of railroad tracks in a story about how it's illegal to take pictures of, or on railroad tracks is not lost on us.
We can only assume the photographers of the railroad tracks included in this story had permission to do so.