Jindal Thinks “Kissing Congressman” Should Step Down
You can tell election season is right around the corner because the mud is already starting to fly. Thanks to Louisiana Congressman Vance McAllister's not so funny office video the political water in Louisiana is about to make the Vermilion River seem transparent in comparison.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal made statements yesterday suggesting that McAllister should step down from his position in congress. This after video surfaced of McAllister deeply kissing a woman who was not his wife. Jindal, to my knowledge, did not ask for Senator David Vitter to step down after his alleged involvement with a prostitute.
Many people want to know why Jindal supports resignation for one but not the other when the incidents could be considered similar. Here is what the Governor told reporters.
"I know there are folks, there are Democrats and others trying to link the two issues, I'm not going to go down that path. I think the issue before us is the congressman's actions."
Jindal's comments were reported by the Louisiana Radio Network.
McAllister has not made any public appearances since news of the video surfaced last week. He is reportedly seeking counseling for himself and his family in private. While that seems to be a good path for him to pursue personally, Governor Jindal believes that the issue will affect his ability to adequately represent the people of the state.
"The best way for him to get that privacy and time is to resign from Congress."
How do you feel about Governor Jindal's call for Congressman McAllister to resign? Is it politics as usual in Louisiana? Should Senator Vitter be placed under the same microscope? We'd love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment.
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