Louisiana Families Cruising with Kids – You’re Sunk Without This
Many Louisiana families will be taking a much-needed respite from work and school in the coming weeks. It's the time-honored tradition known as spring break. Granted spring break is a bigger deal for students at LSU, UL in Lafayette, and McNeese State in Lake Charles than it is for a lot of us "working folks". Still, many of us, the working folks, will have our younger kids off from school at the same time and that usually means a trip.
For a lot of Louisiana families, the days off from work and school can result in a trip to Disney World. Others might take a different option and go on a voyage on a cruise ship. Many of today's cruise lines offer special amenities for younger kids and the always hard-to-impress "tweens" and "teens". But if you are traveling with children, there is something you need to pack with your important papers.
Cruising With Kids? There's a Form You Need to Fill Out
Most cruises that sail out of New Orleans, Louisiana's only cruise port, visit ports of call that are on very friendly terms with the United States. Yes, we are talking about Mexico, The Bahamas, and the islands of the Caribbean. Most of those ports won't require you to even show a passport to enter, but if you're traveling with kids there could be an issue.
There is a form that you need to fill out if you're traveling with kids. The form is especially helpful if the children do not have the same last name as you. The difference in last names could be because of relationship changes or perhaps you're the grandparent and you're traveling with your grandkids.
Here is a copy of the form that Carnival Cruise Lines uses for their guests. No, you aren't required to fill it out, but if you're asked to present it and you don't have it then your travel plans could be delayed or even canceled. So, the better safe than sorry solution is to have it filled out. No, it doesn't need to be notorized but many people do take that step to ensure its authenticity.
It's Especially Important for Single Parents Traveling With Kids
I can attest that customs and border control officers keep a keen eye out for single parents traveling with minor children. When traveling through Canada to board an Alaskan Cruise my wife who was traveling alone with our son was stopped and questioned, no, interrogated as to why she was the only parent present.
The border control officer explained that the many American parents who are involved in custody battles over children attempt to cross into Canada to avoid a custody judgment from an American court, that's why they will and do question you.
What if Your Child is Traveling With a School Group?
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency says there is paperwork that needs to be filled out for those trips too. The documents should include the name of the group, the name of the responsible guardians, and the names of each child participating in the trip. The document should be prepared on organizational letterhead too.
If your child is going with their class for a spring break trip or a senior trip later this year, you might want to ask the organizers if they have secured the proper documentation for your child before you put that kid on a bus or an airplane.
You Might Never Be Asked To Present This Document
But as we mentioned at the top of the article, it might not prevent you from going on your journey but it can certainly delay the fun and frivolity for several hours or days. It's always better to over-document than to leave authorities with questions. Because in sovereign nations outside of America, your rights as a United States citizen just don't apply.
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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells
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