Louisiana Fire Sparked by Smoker Using Oxygen Tank
The residents of one Louisiana apartment complex can thank a sharp-eyed food delivery driver for perhaps saving their lives. Authorities in Calcasieu Parish say a Door Dash driver who was making a delivery to a Sulphur, Louisiana apartment complex on Monday night noticed the fire and alerted residents while there was still time to escape.
And while Harold Bumgarden's acts are being hailed as heroic, the fact is the delivery driver told KPLC television in Lake Charles that he believe he was simply in the right place at the right time because " God's the hero, He put me here for a reason".
The surreal set of circumstances unfolded on Monday night at a Sherwood Drive Apartment complex when Door Dash driver Harlod Bumgarden noticed smoke coming from an apartment as he drove by. He saw a woman sitting outside and he alerted her to the fire. She responded, according to the article on the story by KPLC television, that she was aware and that there was a fire extinguisher inside.
Bumgarden then began to knock on the doors of the other apartments, alerting the residents to the blaze at the complex. But here is where the story gets strange.
The Cause of the Apartment Fire in Sulphur
According to Sulphur Fire Chief Dan Selph, the fire broke out when a woman using an oxygen machine attempted to light a cigarette. Selph told KPLC reporter Theresa Schmidt,
She was lighting her cigarette with a candle she had lit in her residence, and it ignited and was accelerated by the oxygen therapy she was using.
If you're not aware, oxygen is very flammable and those who use it are cautioned not to use it around open flames such as candles and cigarettes. Oddly enough, Sulphur officials confirmed to the KPLC reporter that this was not the first time a fire had been started by someone attempting to smoke while using oxygen. In fact, a similar fire about five years ago resulted in a fatality.
Fortunately, no persons were injured in the blaze but an apartment complex resident did report the loss of a kitten.
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