Louisiana Outdoorsmen June 1st is Looming – Why it’s Important
Louisiana residents who enjoy our state's natural resources, beauty, and bountiful hunting and fishing experiences there is an important date that is looming in your future. And if you intend on continuing to enjoy the Sportsman's Paradise at least for the next 365 days then "June 1st" might require some action on your part.
A few years back the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, in order to make hunting and fishing in the state easier moved their licensing platform over to the digital realm. This meant that those wanting to acquire, renew, or expand a hunting or fishing license in the state would be able to do so via their smartphone or online via computer.
That program was met with resounding approval by the state's outdoorsmen who prefer to take a few minutes getting their credentials online versus standing in a long line at a bait shop while "all the good fishing time" is burning up with the rising sun.
Many of you have taken advantage of the online service and this will serve as your reminder that it is time to renew that or should I say those licenses. It used to be that all Louisiana outdoor licenses were valid from June 1st of one year until May 31st of the following year. Thanks to the new online platform you may now renew your license 365 days from the day you purchased it.
So, if you got your license on October 13th of 2022 then you'll renew again on October 12th, 2023, or earlier if you think about it. But once again, LDWF acting with convenience in mind has offered an "auto renewal" feature. This feature allows you to store your information, including payment information, and save you the hassle of remembering to renew.
Now if they could just do that with car inspections, oh what a wonderful world it would be. And if you want to set up your account or revise information on your account that can be done at LouisianaOutdoors.com. It might be a good idea to log in to that site anyway and double-check your information so there won't be any issues should you need to present your credentials to a Department of Wildlife Agent out in the field.
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