Do You Have To Wear a Mask Outside In Public Under Louisiana’s New Face Covering Order?
New rules often lead to some confusion, but we're here to help.
Let's be honest: COVID-19 as a whole has been pretty confusing since we were blindsided with the pandemic, but hopefully, we can offer some clarity on the biggest question we've gotten since Governor John Bel Edwards issued his statewide mask mandate over the weekend.
While every individual in Louisiana is required to wear a face-covering over their nose and their mouth when inside a commercial establishment or any other building or space open to the public (indoor or outdoor), face coverings may not be required when it comes to general outdoor activities like walking your dog or going for a jog.
You can see more details on the face-covering order below and you can read the entire thing here.
Even with the mandate spelled out things can still get a little wordy and confusing, so the general rule of thumb that I've been using is very similar to what JBE said when asked to clarify his mask order.
if you are going to be outside within 6 feet of people that you do not reside with, you need to wear a mask.
So, there you have it. In addition to following along with the new mandates and restrictions, my only advice is to try to avoid policing people for not wearing their masks or shaming those who follow the rules by masking up.
Be safe. Take care of yourself, and each other.
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