When speaking about Maurice in Vermilion Parish what's the first thought that comes to mind? Okay, after slow down and obey the speed limit or they will light you up in a heartbeat? For a lot of us, the first question about Maurice is "why is this called a village and not a town"?

It actually has to do with the United States Census and their designations and definitions of what makes a community a town or a village. It has to do with population and in the 2010 Census Maurice was 30 people short of being able to be designated as a town.

Village officials estimate that by the time the next U.S. Census rolls around in 2020 the population of Maurice will be about 2400. That would put the now village over the threshold to be designated as a town.

What would that new designation mean for Maurice? It will likely mean changes in how the community is governed. Speculation is that that there would be an increase to five aldermen, up two from the current three aldermen. The communities' police department would also have to be upsized as well.

We should find out if Maurice the Village will become Maurice the town by the middle of the year 2020.


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