UPDATE: Dog Found Military Man Will Get Service Dog Back After I-10 Crash
UPDATE: (03/15/22)
When does the news have a happy ending? Almost never in my experience, but that's not the case today. According to WAFB, someone has found Fenny! Jason Mouret and Jim Lagrone are two dog-on good guys! George, the owner of Fenny, will be coming here soon to pick up his dog.
Mouret, Lagrone, and George spent time looking for the dog after the crash. George returned home, but then came back for a week, staying with Mouret and searching for Fenny on Whiskey Bay Island. They didn't find him, but when they posted on social media, they got plenty of tips.
Fast forward to a few weeks back, and Lagrone decided why not set up trail cameras and food? They did, and they started getting pictures of the pit bull.
They set up a trap, and now Fenny is happy to be with people. Can you imagine how great it's going to be when George is reunited with his service dog?
Mouret told WAFB he has a service animal, so he understands how sad it was when George thought Fenny might be going forever.
Thank you to these gentlemen and to all of the tipsters who worked so hard to find Fenny!
ORIGINAL: (1/18/22) If you listen to "Acadiana's Morning News" weekdays on KPEL then you know how much I love animals and the people that serve our country.
This story is how two of the things I treasure most have come together in a story that you can be a part of. The story starts with a terrible crash on the Atchafalaya Basin that my morning show partner, Ian Auzenne, reported on Sunday.
To begin with, on Sunday morning, there was a crash where a vehicle hit the guardrail. While a wrecker and other emergency vehicles were trying to clean things up, the driver of an 18-wheeler allegedly slammed into the Department of Transportation and Development vehicle at the scene. The DOTD vehicle did have its lights flashing and cones had been placed on the roadway to alert drivers of a crash.
One of the people injured is a career military man named George Yanas. In addition to being injured in the crash, he also lost his best fur friend, "Fenny" who took off in all of the chaos of the crash. Yanas is hoping the public will keep an eye out for Fenny.
According to Yanas' mom Nicki Garcia, whom I spoke to today, Fenny is a blue Pit Bull. She says he has white fur around his nose and white fur on his breast area. He has on a collar that is white with blue, orange, and pink polka dots.
The family is hoping someone will find Fenny. Yanas was driving from Texas back to his base in Florida when the crash happened. Garcia says her son is fine now, and he has returned to work in Florida, but he is without Fenny.
Can you please keep an eye out for Fenny if you live anywhere near I-10? Trust me, I know from experience when a dog is scared it can travel for quite a great distance. My dog Gracie accidentally got out of the yard about a year and a half ago, and she was found seven blocks away. So, who knows where Fenny could be? Will you help? Will you keep an eye out for Fenny?
If you do see Fenny, or you think you might have seen Fenny, you can call Yanas' mom Nicki Garcia at 830-481-8507.
Garcia says that Fenny knows the commands "shake", "sit", and "backflip". He does the first two commands very well, but Garcia says he "sort of" does a backflip. She says he is totally adorable because he tries to do the backflip, but he doesn't quite get it. She adds he is a very friendly dog, and he will come if you call his name. Like many dogs, he has separation anxiety so wherever he is, you know he misses George.
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