New Louisiana Laws That Go Into Effect For 2016
New year, new Louisiana laws. On January 11th, there are 19 new or re-written state laws going into effect. Laws are changing in regards to obtaining a marriage license, the local movie industry and public access to governor’s office. Being that ignorance is no excuse for the law, let's take a look at what's hitting the books.
From bogalusadailynews.com -
A bill by State Sen. Dan Claitor, R-Baton Rouge, places new limits on records exemptions allowed to future governors, including Gov.-elect John Bel Edwards, who will be inaugurated Jan. 11. The re-written public records law will keep a governor’s communications with internal staff secret, but it will eliminate several exemptions put in place by a 2009 bill favored by outgoing Gov. Bobby Jindal.
In 2016, there will be stricter marriage license requirements. Law makers are
demanding more detailed criteria in hopes of preventing illegal immigrants from getting married in Louisiana. The changes will prohibit the purchase of a marriage license without a birth certificate, valid ID or passport.
Bill 98 is going into effect to tighten up regulations within the state’s film tax credit program, specifically focusing on the auditing and verification process of who, and what are being allowed to remain tax exempt.
Louisiana's election dates are also going to be shifted along with the candidate sign-up periods. The Secretary of State's office will now be able to print and sell maps of election precincts and jurisdictions for a fee, with the proceeds earmarked for voter outreach, maintenance of voting machines and voting technology.
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