Noose Found Inside Louisiana High School Auditorium
The Delhi Police Department is looking for the person who left a noose inside the auditorium at Delhi High School.
(Delhi is located in Richland Parish in northeast Louisiana.)
Chief Roy Williams said that according to Delhi High School Principal Ramona Drungo, a custodian found the noose last week lying on the auditorium stage, just a few days after the Juneteenth holiday.
“A custodian worker found the noose, and he reported it to the principal, and she, in turn, called the Superintendent and he called me. I’m writing a report at this time, and I’m going to turn it over to the District Attorney’s Office to see if there was any intent to do this purposely and if so we will go forward with a hate crime,” said Chief Williams.
It was also reported that several contractors are currently renovating the school, its football field and field house. Unfortunately, the school deactivated its surveillance cameras because of the renovations.
Chief Williams also reported that the auditorium was not locked when the incident happened. He also confirmed that he doesn't believe any students were involved in this incident.
“I am doing a report at this time, so I can turn it over to the District Attorney’s Office to see if there was an intent to do this purposely and if so, we will be going forward with charges,” Chief Williams said. “It’s going to be a hate crime.”
According to Richland Parish District Attorney Penny Douciere, the possible crime that a suspect may be charged with under these circumstances is related to Louisiana Revised Statute 14:40.5. That statute involves a "public display of a noose on (the) property of another or public place; intent to intimidate." It states whoever commits the crime shall not be fined more than $5,000 or imprisoned with or without hard labor for not more than one year or both if convicted.
Richland Parish Superintendent Sheldon Jones issued a statement about the incident that read in part:
"The Richland Parish School Board does not condone any actions of harassment or discrimination, and they are fully working with law enforcement during this investigation."
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