Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center Reduces Patient Visitation to One Person
One Lafayette hospital is tweaking its visitation policy due to the recent spike of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.
Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette has announced that they are now limiting visitation of non-COVID patients to one visitor/advocate who may remain at the bedside throughout the hospital stay. The visitor will be allowed bedside from 7 am to 7 pm daily.
However, for patients admitted with COVID-19, one essential visitor/advocate will be allowed for one hour per day.
Again, this is in response to the recent uptick in numbers across the state and nation. On Friday, the state of Louisiana reported an increase of 1,600 new cases with seven new deaths.
The total number of cases reported to the state since the beginning of the pandemic is getting close to the half-million mark with the current total death count at 10,828.
"While there is a safe and effective vaccine available, Louisiana continues to rise in COVID-19 cases due predominantly to unvaccinated individuals," states a recent Facebook post from Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.
To schedule your vaccine appointment with the hospital, visit lourdesrmc.com/COVID19vaccine.
And for more details on the updated visitor guidelines, visit lourdesrmc.com/coronavirus/for-hospital-visitors.
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