Plans Announced To Extend Louisiana Avenue
Motorists who travel from Carencro into Lafayette might soon have another way into town. Officials with Lafayette Consolidated Government have announced plans to extend Louisiana approximately one half a mile further north.
This extension will mean that motorists in Carencro and Upper Lafayette would be able to join the roadway at the intersection of Butcher Switch Road instead of Gloria Switch which is where the roadway is currently terminated.
There are still some discussions that will have to be had with Louisiana DOTD regarding the project but officials with Lafayette Consolidated Government feel these will be more formalities than barriers to the implementation of the project. The projected cost of the roadway is $5.8 million. That cost also included the building of a roundabout on the roadway at the intersection of Louisiana Avenue and Gloria Switch.
LCG officials anticipate the bidding process for the project will be executed in the second quarter of 2019.