Ray Price Hospitalized, Remains in Intensive Care
Ray Price remains hospitalized Thursday (Oct. 10) after being rushed to the cardiac intensive care unit on Tuesday night.
The singer's wife Janie has been updating fans on his health through his Facebook page. She says they were in "watchful crisis" mode for the better part of a day before Price stabilized on Wednesday morning.
Price developed sepsis, a bacterial infection in his bloodline. Janie Price says Ray's blood pressure dropped and his heart rate spiked. According to WebMD, sepsis can lead to organ failure and can be fatal.
"I am at Ray's bedside and have not left him for a second," the legend's wife writes. "I will continue to be ever watchful and give updates as Ray continues to improve."
Previous posts on the social media site indicate that Price has been in a Texas hospital for some time, perhaps as long as mid-September, when he went in for follow-up exams for his pancreatic cancer. Janie's sister Virgie Phillips has also kept fans updated on his condition, saying in a post on Oct. 2 that doctors hoped Price could come home soon. "He is gaining some weight back and is feeling a lot better," she wrote.
Price was also hospitalized in May and in June with kidney stones. In February, he announced his pancreatic cancer was in remission. The Country Music Hall of Famer's hits include 'Release Me,' 'Crazy Arms' and 'For the Good Times.'
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