Secretary Of State Disputes Louisiana Election Vulnerability Risk
When we step into a voting booth we'd like to think that our vote is sacred and secure. A recent report by the political journalism company Politico suggests that Louisiana's elections might be sacred but they could be anything but secure.
The Politico report suggests that Louisiana, as well as 14 other states, are among the most at risk for having election results exploited. That's a report that Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin disputes.
The Politico report claims the insufficient paper trail generated by Louisiana's voting machines could be just the weakness needed to compromise the state's election. Some political analysts feel the paper verification is necessary to prevent online hackers from altering election outcomes.
Secretary of State Ardoin addressed those allegations with these comments.
None of our machines have ever touched the internet. They are not programmed with any computer that has ever touched the internet, nor will they be. They are not programmed by outside vendors like they are in other states.
Ardoin's comments were chronicled in a published report by the Louisiana Radio Network.
Ardoin said the state was due to receive new voting machines in time for the 2020 election but that process was delayed because of a dispute over the bidding process. Currently, the state is using voting machines that were first activated in 2005.