I don't call it shopping, I call it buying. What is the point of looking at stuff you want if you aren't going to buy it. That might explain why my wife doesn't allow me to have any credit cards. I am guilty of being an impulse buyer. If see something I want, I will buy it. Even if I never use it again. I have a closet full of stuff like this. I usually recycle my bad ideas and give them away as birthday gifts to my co-workers.

In my latest search for stuff on-line I came across a site called Awesome Stuff to Buy. Here are some of the items that peaked my interest. You might want to do a little more snooping because all the stuff is indeed awesome!

Cheeseburger wrapping paper

Cheese Burger Wrapping Paper- Never again would you need to sign your name to any gift for any occasion. People would know the present that is wrapped in sesame seed buns came from you. If you stack all the presents in the correct order under the Christmas Tree it looks like a giant snack waiting for Santa. I usually wrap my presents I get for those I love in the bag I carried them out of the store in. If I got this stuff, I just might spend some time and get some duct tape and make it pretty for everyone to enjoy.



Snack Plate

One Handed Drink Party Plate- Praise Jesus! Finally someone has figured out how to make picnics, tailgating, formal dinners with friends easy and fun. This is the perfect addition to any gathering. Guest's can make their plate, stack the plate on their can and actually carry the food and drink around the gathering without having to balance anything. No more will I be forced to hold my wife's drink so she can eat my meatballs. Wait, that didn't come out right. No more will I be forced to deal with anyone else's plate other than my own. What a great idea. I would buy a whole set and give it to my in-laws.


puzzle piece cookie cutter

Puzzle Piece Cookie Cutter- I know we aren't supposed to play with our food but this is just cool. Imagine making a whole batch of cookies and linking them on a platter in an interconnecting masterpiece of culinary skill and artistic brilliance. Now imagine most of these darn cookies coming out broken and half baked just like all of my other dreams. It is still fun to imagine being able to do this. I bet you could get on Rachael Ray and her TV show too if you showed up with a plate of hot steaming puzzle piece cookies.



Gun remote lamp

Gun Remote Lamp- Did you know that for most of us shooting a gun is the most memorable moment of our childhood? It even out ranks the first time we got to drive a car. I don't like real guns. I haven't been trained in their proper use so I stay away from them. I do like to shoot toy guns. I loved the Duck Hunt game on Atari and I would love to shoot "lights out" every night at bed time. It's things like this that make turning out the lights fun. What happens when the lights go out? You will just have to find out for yourself if that's my gun or if I am just happy to see you.


Hot Dog toaster

Hot Dog Toaster- The conundrum that is the hot dog and the bun always raises quite a stink at my house. I buy the pack of buns that has the same number as the pack of hot dogs. There is no extra dog, there is no extra bun until and unless one of the kids decides they only want the hot dog. This device won't solve that problem but at least when I want to have a hot dog for a snack or lunch or I just want to impress my friends. I can take my weenies out one by one and get them all hot and juicy while toasting a bun at the same time. It is hot dog heaven and I would buy it right now.


Those are just some of the really cool, interesting and off beat selections you will find at Awesome Stuff To Buy's website. I could look for hours but I am not a looker I am a buyer, so shut up and take my money!


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