Simplify Your Life by Getting Rid of These Things Right Now
Spring cleaning can be really, really cathartic. Getting rid of things that are holding you up, bringing you down, or are just in the way - I'm all for it! Good Housekeeping and MSN Lifestyle have come up with a list of things to 'get rid of' that I've been paying close attention to. I definitely need to simplify my life, and I can see that I need a lot of work! Check out the list below, and start freshening up, y'all!
- The 5,000 bottles of nail polish you've been hanging on to
- Old condiment packets
- Knives that no longer cut
- Extra and excessive amounts of hair ties
- Baby stuff - your kids are grown, get rid of it
- Old Reference Books - you know they are outdated, right?
- Paperback Books
- Old Medication
- Old Spices and Herbs
- Craft Supplies you no longer use
- Old Sheets
- Plastic Grocery Bags - sorry, I don't agree with this one!
- CD's
- Promotional Tee Shirts - umm, hello? You know where I work, right?
- Canvas and reusable totes
- Old Towels
- VHS Tapes
- Clear Florist Vases
- Extra Buttons
- Plastic containers without a lid
- Old makeup and old moisturizers
- Wire Hangers / Plastic Hangers - they stretch out clothing
- Loofah - they actually only last safely for 3 weeks
- Old batteries
- Damaged Dishes
- Old Condiments in your refrigerator
- Costume Jewelry
- Greeting Cards that you've kept over the years
- Leftovers, or things in the freezer you can't identify right away
- Excessive Office Supplies
- Clothes that don't fit - ouch, this one is a minefield
- Stacks of Magazines
- Pens, and pens, and pens
- Leftover Paint
- Shoes that hurt
- Novelty Appliances
- Old Bras - yesssss
- Specialty Baking Pans
- Candles you don't use - sorry, but we use ALL the candles at my house!
- Your Change Jar - at my house it's called 'the vacation fund'
- Coffee Mugs - the ones you got on vacation 15 years ago
- Empty journals you were going to use
- Your Mattress - after 8 years it has 10 lbs of dead skin cells in it. Get a new one
- Travel Toiletries - this can get out of hand really quickly!