Spring cleaning can be really, really cathartic. Getting rid of things that are holding you up, bringing you down, or are just in the way - I'm all for it! Good Housekeeping and MSN Lifestyle have come up with a list of things to 'get rid of' that I've been paying close attention to. I definitely need to simplify my life, and I can see that I need a lot of work!  Check out the list below, and start freshening up, y'all!


  • The 5,000 bottles of nail polish you've been hanging on to
  • Old condiment packets
  • Knives that no longer cut
  • Extra and excessive amounts of hair ties
  • Baby stuff - your kids are grown, get rid of it
  • Old Reference Books - you know they are outdated, right?
  • Paperback Books
  • Old Medication
  • Old Spices and Herbs
  • Craft Supplies you no longer use
  • Old Sheets
  • Plastic Grocery Bags - sorry, I don't agree with this one!
  • CD's
  • Promotional Tee Shirts - umm, hello? You know where I work, right?
  • Canvas and reusable totes
  • Old Towels
  • VHS Tapes
  • Clear Florist Vases
  • Extra Buttons
  • Plastic containers without a lid
  • Old makeup and old moisturizers
  • Wire Hangers / Plastic Hangers - they stretch out clothing
  • Loofah - they actually only last safely for 3 weeks
  • Old batteries
  • Damaged Dishes
  • Old Condiments in your refrigerator
  • Costume Jewelry
  • Greeting Cards that you've kept over the years
  • Leftovers, or things in the freezer you can't identify right away
  • Excessive Office Supplies
  • Clothes that don't fit - ouch, this one is a minefield
  • Stacks of Magazines
  • Pens, and pens, and pens
  • Leftover Paint
  • Shoes that hurt
  • Novelty Appliances
  • Old Bras - yesssss
  • Specialty Baking Pans
  • Candles you don't use - sorry, but we use ALL the candles at my house!
  • Your Change Jar - at my house it's called 'the vacation fund'
  • Coffee Mugs - the ones you got on vacation 15 years ago
  • Empty journals you were going to use
  • Your Mattress - after 8 years it has 10 lbs of dead skin cells in it. Get a new one
  • Travel Toiletries - this can get out of hand really quickly!

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