South Louisiana Power Companies Head North To Assist In Winter Storm Restoration
Winter Storm 2021 has wreaked havoc across Louisiana, with the northern parts of the state taking on a lot of ice and snow. With things in South Louisiana settling down, utilities companies are moving their efforts North to help assist our fellow Louisianans in their recovery efforts.
Check out Facebook posts from SLEMCO and Lafayette Utilities System (LUS) with photos of trucks making the journey to North Louisiana to lend a hand.
We are so thankful here in the Acadiana area that this winter storm has subsided enough for us to be able to travel about the area safely and retain power at our homes. Citizens of North Louisiana have not been as fortunate, as they are still in the recovery process from all of the snow and ice that has settled.
It is really inspiriting to see the same people who worked hard to keep Acadiana moving through this awful weather continue their heroic work by heading north to help those in need. Truly, these guys on the trucks that are headed up-state deserve all of the praise they could ever receive.
You never know just how bad things can get until you are in the bad times. Thankfully, there are people working hard to make sure the rest of us stay safe and warm. We appreciate everything that these companies are doing to get Louisiana back on track!
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