Speed Cameras Banned From Louisiana Interstate Highways
It's a subject that has been debated for many years here in Acadiana. Does government have the right to police its citizens via remote control. In Lafayette, the answer is yes.
We are being watched by unmanned cameras at intersections and mobile speed vans that are deployed across town. While some see these cameras as an intrusion of government into private lives, others see the benefits of fewer crashes where the "robo-cop" cameras have been installed.
What about on our Interstate and state highways? Is a radar gun in the guard rail fair?
No need to even ask that question in Louisiana. A speed detection camera posted along any of Louisiana's state patrolled highway miles is now banned. Governor Bobby Jindal agreed and signed legislation that would make it against the law for a municipality to post automated cameras designed to detect speed violations.
That means that the state's speed trap cottage industry will still have to maintain and employ real live officers to squeeze money out of unsuspecting drivers. At least it will mean no jobs lost to automation and those backwoods communities can keep their reputation for making our state a very unfriendly place to travel. The new law will take effect January 1.
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