Storm Debris Collection Continues In Lafayette Parish
Storm debris collection continues through Lafayette Consolidated Government’s (LCG) contractor, DRC Emergency Services (DRC). DRC is responsible for picking up the loose piles of yard waste debris. DRC is using a zoned approach beginning around the Vermilion River corridor, and spreading outward to every street in the City of Lafayette and unincorporated areas of the parish.
Republic Services is picking up the debris that is canned or bagged, including garbage cans in addition to the blue, Republic-issued garbage carts. A Republic employee will pick up canned and bagged debris (not to exceed 50 lbs.) by hand. This will occur on the regular scheduled routes.
For citizens interested in removing their own yard waste and/or storm debris, the Dean Domingues Compost Facility located at 400 Dugas Road in north Lafayette Parish will be accepting “Green Waste” again on Monday, August 12, 2019. "Green waste" such as tree branches, grass and shrub trimmings are ground up and made into a nutrient-rich soil additive.
The public’s patience is greatly appreciated as LCG and its contractors work to remove storm debris from within the City of Lafayette and the unincorporated areas of the parish. Additional information or instructions will be provided as necessary to assist Lafayette residents in their storm debris collection.
(Press release submitted to KPEL News)