Student Suspended for Making Worst Cupcake Ever
You can argue whether frosting or buttercream or ganache makes the best addition to a cupcake. We’re pretty sure no one would debate for what a teenager in St. Paul, Minnesota allegedly filled a cupcake with for his classmate — semen.
The 16-year-old boy had given out a number of cupcakes to classmates. Shortly thereafter, one of those kids began getting teased and questioned about the baked good. The Como Park Senior High School cupcake prankster was suspended after school administrators got wind of the rumors.
To make matters worse, he then took to Twitter, and threatened to burn down the house of the school principal. The student, who has withdrawn from the school district, was not arrested, but the threat has launched an investigation, according to police.
Since the teased student ate the entire cupcake, there is no way to prove the validity of the rumor.
Might be the first time ever that swallowing wasn’t the best idea.