The Road House remake is good and is even better for people who live along the Gulf Coast because 4 south Louisiana musicians shine on the movie's soundtrack.
When its time for scary movie night, make sure you aren't discounting these true crime documentaries that will have you double checking your doors before bed.
As Tiger Woods completes his first round at 'The Masters', 'HBO' released a trailer for a two-part documentary about the golf phenom's life. The trailer, that focuses on the youth and career of Woods', will give you chills.
This week, the whole dang internet started it's obsession with "The Keepers". However, another documentary was released by HBO May 15th called "Mommy Dead and Dearest" that is deserving of the hype machine as well. This documentary will look and feel very familiar to those of us in South Louisiana, because it's all about the Blanchard family, and their seriously twisted and tragic story of Child Abuse, mental illness, and forbidden love.
Yesterday saw HBO announcing a tribute to the late Carrie Fisher via encore presentation of her adapted Wishful Drinking, and the network will waste little time paying tribute to her mother Debbie Reynolds as well. The official release of upcoming mother-daughter documentary Bright Lights has now been scheduled for early January as well.