Woman Climbs Into Monkey Exhibit at Zoo and Feeds Them Hot Cheetos [VIDEO]Woman Climbs Into Monkey Exhibit at Zoo and Feeds Them Hot Cheetos [VIDEO]Watch as a woman at the El Paso Zoo sits in a spider monkey exhibit and feeds the primates hot Cheetos.Chris ReedChris Reed
Boy Flips Off Monkey - Monkey KO's Boy [Video]Boy Flips Off Monkey - Monkey KO's Boy [Video]An unwarranted and obscene gesture yields instant karma in the form of a tiny monkey. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Monkey Pushes His Brother In The Lake: LOL [Video]Monkey Pushes His Brother In The Lake: LOL [Video]Hey, Hey we're the monkey's and people say we monkey around, we're to busy pushing our little brother in the ground! Sorry to the band for ruining a great song, but check this out!Brad VincentBrad Vincent