How Will Planned Postal Changes Affect Louisiana Mail Delivery?How Will Planned Postal Changes Affect Louisiana Mail Delivery?The U.S. Postal Service has announced sweeping changes to begin the new year. Many Louisiana postal customers will be affected by these changes. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Will the USPS Make It Take Longer to Get Your Mail in Louisiana?Will the USPS Make It Take Longer to Get Your Mail in Louisiana?You may be waiting longer to get your mail in Louisiana if the Postal Service moves ahead with changes meant to save money.Joe CunninghamJoe Cunningham
Blue Collection Boxes at Louisiana Post Offices Going Away?Blue Collection Boxes at Louisiana Post Offices Going Away?Your regular visits to the post office in Louisiana might be taking a high-tech turn in the very near future. Here's the reason for the upgrade. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
This Lafayette Post Office Location is Atrocious—and Quite Frankly, We Deserve BetterThis Lafayette Post Office Location is Atrocious—and Quite Frankly, We Deserve BetterThe Bertrand Post Office, look at it now.CJCJ
Stamp Prices DecreasingStamp Prices DecreasingThe price of a stamp will decrease for the first time in nearly a century this Sunday.Jude WalkerJude Walker