When 'RoboCop' got pushed from an August 2013 release date to February 2014, everyone assumed it would open stronger when far away from the busy summer months. If this is the better of the two options, then we can't even imagine how poorly it would have opened in the warmer months. The remake of the 1987 classic is definitely not a disaster, but it most certainly underperformed.
There are good days, there are bad days, and then there are days when you confuse Samuel L. Jackson with Laurence Fishburne and find yourself at the mercy of an actor whose voice can make even the strongest man whimper in terror. This sounds like a joke, but it actually happened on live television, and since this is the internet, it will never go away and the news anchor who made the tragic error
A lot of us in South Louisiana have come to know "The Red Light Camera". My wife has a complete photo album full of pictures from the camera located at the intersection of Ambassador Caffery and Congress. The statistics and the policticians tell us the cameras are doing what they are supposed to do, slow people down, decrease crashes and save lives...