What Are The Wire Loops On The Utility Lines?What Are The Wire Loops On The Utility Lines?We've gotten several answers to what these loops do. We're still not certain of their purpose.JayCeeJayCee
This Balloon-Looking Thing was Seen in YoungsvilleThis Balloon-Looking Thing was Seen in YoungsvilleIf you have any idea what this thing is, leave us a note in the comments section. JayCeeJayCee
Why is This Barrel Attached to a Tree?Why is This Barrel Attached to a Tree?My first thought was that the barrels were installed on the trees to serve as some sort of nesting area for local birdsJayCeeJayCee
I Found Them In An Attic: Can You Identify?I Found Them In An Attic: Can You Identify?The cases contained the same items: a rope and a piece of sheet metal. Both pieces of sheet metal were bent in the same manner. JayCeeJayCee