The Most Redneck Thing You Will See Today [Video]
I grew up in Mississippi and I am quite familiar with redneck culture. I am probably a proud member of that subspecies of humanoids and have just not acquired the proper lift kit to solidify my membership. The gentlemen you will see in this video are from the south. They are from so far south that they are below the equator. You will probably detect a bit of an Australian accent in their preliminary comments.
I guess the point I am making is that redneck culture is not held hostage by boundaries. It is not slowed down by parish lines, state lines, or even international borders. Redneck behavior can rear its most entertaining head where ever men walk without shirts and beer is sold in cans.
In this particular piece of cinema our hero is going to attempt to drink a beer and smoke a cigarette while kneeling in front of industrial air compressor. While we do not recommend that you try this at home or anywhere for that matter, if you happen to try it, we'd love to see the video.