Tik Tok Jeans Sizing Hack Removes the Need to Try Them On
Blue jeans were invented for working men. They were made of tough denim fabric and riveted together to handle the rigors of hard labor. That was then, this is now. Today jeans are still work clothes but there is a very fashionable side of what was once considered to be the clothing of the common man.
While once upon a time jeans were constructed for their rugged durability today's denim jeans have a distinctly softer side. In fact, there are entire classifications of jeans that most people wouldn't wear to work, they're just too darn elegant or ripped in so many places "that kind of fashion won't fly at the office."
I would not call myself a common jeans connoisseur. I have two pairs of jeans both of which were purchased for me by someone else at least 15 years ago. Many of you purchase jeans on a regular basis. For guys, it's not that big of a deal. Our fashion trends move a lot slower than they tend to move for the ladies.
For the ladies, purchasing jeans appears to be more of a job than a pleasure. The reason is that jeans have to fit "right" for them to flatter a woman's figure or more importantly be comfortable and stay up without falling down.
For a lot of women picking and choosing the right size of jeans to wear is an ordeal. It involves hours of trying on pair after pair just to match the contours of their body. But now there appears to be an easier way to at least determine the proper waist size for your jeans without you even having to try them on.
That's Tik Tok user @topnotchboutique and her hack for sizing jeans without trying them on is blowing up all over the Internet. The process appears to be very simple. You take the waistline of the jeans and wrap it around your neck.
If the fit is loose the jeans will be loose. If the fit is tight, the jeans will be tight. If the fit feels alright? Then you are good to go with a great looking pair of jeans. At least as far as the waistline is concerned. Granted some of you like landing in your pants from a higher altitude just to get them on your body.
However, with this hack, that leap of faith while you hold your breath may not be necessary anymore. Let us know if you give this a try. We'd like to get some real-life examples if we could.
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