Twitter Thursday – Gold Picks
Twitter is a wild place. Sometimes it can be very dark and dangerous, but other times it produces absolute GOLD. 'Twitter Thursday - Gold Picks' are dedicated to the gold that I find on Twitter throughout the week.
Let's get started with George who received a surprise in the mail @unironick
Monkeys always, always, ALWAYS play. I mean, they're just little tiny versions of people. George is so happy he got a present in the mail and what is it??? A new water bottle. He promptly reads the instructions on how it works putting him far ahead of myself intellectually. Do I want a monkey now? Yes. Do I NEED a monkey now? Yes, I absolutely do.
Now, I would be remiss if I didn't pluck from the world of memes that arose from the drop of the new single by Cardi B and Meghan Thee Stallion entitled "WAP". Oh by the way, if you haven't seen Cardi B try to pronounce 'Acadiana' then do yourself a favor and check that video out next. Ok here it is, my next pick from @migueltheiii
You can throw Michael Scott into just about any situation and get a laugh out of me. But, this edit had me HOLLERING when the ole boss-man from Scranton popped up and seemed to be dancing perfectly to the beat of 'WAP'. Just classic Twitter antics getting to my core on this one.
Alright straight into my last 'Twitter Thursday - Gold Pick' and this one is from @markaduck
Throw Phil Collins "In The Air Tonight" over any clip and it will instantly get better. But, this clip is just perfect. When the audio dropped to it solely being the crashing of trash cans, I lost it. The kid looks to be ok, so I don't feel too bad for laughing. Plus who hasn't sent it WAY too hard down a hill on their bike before? That will build some character.
That's it for my 'Twitter Thursday - Gold Picks' Vol. 1. Be sure to check in with me next Thursday for more Twitter Gold. Follow me on Twitter @SCARENCRO and be sure to mention me in any GOLD that you think deserves to be on a future volume.
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