U.S. Senate Passes $8.3 Billion Coronavirus Measure
About ten days ago President Donald Trump stood before the nation and vowed to invest more than $2.5 billion dollars into the fight against the coronavirus. Yesterday afternoon the United States Senate, to use card terms, saw the President's "wager" and they decided to triple it.
The Senate passed an $8.3 billion dollar measure that would fund the government's response to the escalating threat of the coronavirus. The money would be used as part of a multifaceted attack on the deadly pandemic which has sickened thousands and killed many around the world. The sweeping legislation is now on the President's desk awaiting his signature.
Senators suggested in comments following the measure's passing that not only would the response fund the nation's fight medically. It is hoped the measure would also calm fears and concerns among the general population and the financial markets that the country was in fact taking steps to protect our interests from this deadly disease.