United Blood Services Asking For Help
The recent flooding has disrupted nearly every aspect of life in south Louisiana. Disasters escalate the need for emergency supplies. That includes blood. Supplies are dangerously low. Mitzi Breaux stopped by to update us on the situation. The donation centers in Lafayette, baton Rouge, and Morgan City have been closed since Thursday. Several drives have been cancelled. As a result, more than 300 blood products have been lost. the shelf life of donated blood is short, so that figure will go higher. If you're able to reach a center without placing yourself at risk, you're asked to please do so. All types are needed. The Baton Rouge Center remains closed until further notice. The Morgan City center will reopen Tuesday, 10a-7p, Wed. 9a-6p, Thurs. 9a-6p, and Friday 8am-noon. The Lafayette center hours are Monday noon-5p, Tues. 8a-5:30p, Wed. 8a-6p, Fri. 8a-4p. Sat. 8a-3p, and Sunday 8a-2p. You can expedite the process by going to unitedbloodservicesw.org. You can also call 235-LIFE. By the way, donating enters you for a vacation worth up to $6,000!