If you plan on spending Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the floats won't be the only things lighting up the streets. A company based in Chalmette called Mobile Digital LLC has designed a truck that allows advertisers share their message as the vehicle rolls by.

On a recent visit, my husband and I were staying at an apartment on Decatur. We were enjoying our Cafe Du Monde coffee on the balcony when one of these Mobile Cubes, as they are called, passed right beneath us. I was amazed.

Later that evening, we were in a shop in the French Quarter and saw it again. Upon remarking, the owner said they had approached him about advertising and that it would cost about $700 a week. His ad would stay displayed for about ten seconds and rotate with others.

I, being the curious sort, made sure to notice as much as I could. There are ads on all sides. It appears there is also ad space on the top, which is confirmed in a January article published in The Advocate.

In that same article, the company's co-founder said they wanted to use it to promote New Orleans. We did, in fact, notice that the truck had displays for the upcoming Wrestlemania event.

The above video, taken with my cell phone, doesn't do the quality justice. It really is impressive! We first saw the vehicle at night, and I wondered if it ran during the day. As you can see, it's clearly visible during daylight as well.

The company hopes to expand to other cities in the United States.

To be fair, Mobile Digital LLC is not the first company to come up with this idea.

As a matter of fact, we spotted another truck from a similar company on our way to the Convention Center. This one offered a "commercial"-type display. You can see that video below.

Mobile Digital LLC told New Orleans City Business they have a truck in production that will have the capability of covering live and corporate events, as well.

Is it effective? I have no idea.

Is it really cool to look at? Yep!


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