What’s Up With These Suddenly Higher Water And Sewer Bills?
We all expect our power bills to be a little bit higher in the month of August. Okay, we expect them to be a lot higher in the month of August. But some Lafayette and St. Martin Parish residents want answers as to why their sewer bills have suddenly skyrocketed.
The answer is quite simple, Water and Wastewater Utilities, a product of Howell Environmental Companies that operates out of the city of Scott requested and was granted a rate increase. The bigger issue here seems to be that none of their customers saw it coming.
According to a story published by KLFY TV 10, the utility petitioned the Public Service Commission to increase their rates for these reasons.
W&W sought this increase in order to update and improve its water and sewer systems, including water treatment plant rehabilitation at 48 systems, general inflow and infiltration investigative work, meter replacements, pump replacements, LDEQ requirements, and infrastructure repairs.
Still, customers want to know why they weren't notified of the impending rise in the cost of their service. It turns out they were. According to the PSC, a notice was published in the Commission's Official Bulletin No. 1142. Public notices were published in official journals of Lafayette, St. Martin, and Sabine parishes.
If you feel you have a bill that is incorrect or you have questions about the billing rate you should contact the utility for answers. If however, you do not get the information you need or still have questions you are encouraged to call the Public Service Commission at 1-800-256-6004
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