It always makes me wonder what in the world do people think when trying some of the dumb things they try.  My guess is maybe some form of intoxication is present, just a hypothesis.  But for laws to be made you have to have some reason to make that law!  So I said what would happen to be the "Craziest Laws Around The World." And from the list of those 15 Craziest/ Stupid Laws, I have narrowed it down to my Top 6!


6. In Florida it is forbidden for any woman to parachute on Sunday afternoons unless she is married.

- Heck, if she is married, is that why she can parachute?  She needs to get away from the kids and hubby for a while, or hope she will break something so she doesn't have to clean the house for a week!

5. In Korea, it is illegal to eat stray cats.

- Duh!  I mean come on.  You don't have to tell me not to eat a cat!  What about a house kitty?  So can you eat those?  It only says "stray cats."  Make it clear people.

4. In Iowa, it is forbidden for any kiss to last more than 5 minutes.

- That doesn't make sense because in your states name, obviously, " You Owe Her" (I-oh-huh).  Do they have a timer in every house that counts down from 5 minutes when you start kissing?  Oh, we are at 4:56, better stop before we go to jail!  Plus 5 minutes is a long time any way.

3. In Nova Scotia, Canada, you’re not allowed to water your lawn when it is raining.

- Here's your sign.  First of all, remind me of what rain is?  Oh it's H2O,  well isn't that water?  I think in my Chemistry class in Kindergarten I learned that one, Duh.

2. In Israel it is illegal to pick your nose on a Saturday.

-  Even with a kleenex?  Man, people of Israel, quit being so "nosey" and let me do my own thing.  By the way, I don't do that, just saying!

1. In Arkansas, a man is legally allowed to beat his wife only once a month.

-  Women, what are your thoughts?  That is just horrible to even think of making a law about that. It shouldn't happen, EVER!

My Top 6...any more you know of?

Stray Cat

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