To be honest, I'm kind of surprised to see my name NOT on this list. I wasn't bad kid, but let's just say I was frequent flyer in the Principal's Office. Maybe if this list was put together when I was in school I would be on it. I do however see my youngest kid's name on the Boy list. He's a pretty good kid, so far...

Here's the list of names for worst-behaved Boy and Girls compiled by An annual survey from the company School Stickers has collected data on which children’s names are the most common for kids who are well-behaved, and ones who could use a time-out. Out of the 60,000 names, here are the ones that showed up the most!

What do you think about this list? Does it explain anything?

Top 10 Worst-Behaved Girl Names:

1. Ella

2. Bethany

3. Eleanor

4. Olivia

5. Laura

6. Holly

7. Courtney

8. Amber

9. Caitlin

10. Jade

Top 10 Worst-Behaved Boy Names:

1. Joseph

2. Cameron

3. William

4. Jake

5. Joshua

6. Jamie

7. Lewis

8. Benjamin

10. Luke

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